Fly Fishing Complete Skills Camp
Taught by Davy Wotton & Mac Brown
Where: Mountain Home, AR
When: October 24-26, 2025
Cost: $2200.00
The cost includes all instruction and lunches for the three days. Local lodging is available. Each angler brings all of their fishing gear for the class. We will have discussions on gear and how to match it for personalization of what goals you are attempting.
Fly Fishing Complete Skills Camp
What is the Goal?
Becoming a competent angler requires dedication to the goal and a ‘can-do’ mindset. Having those, this intense three-day skills camp may be your next step in that direction. Regardless of your skillset, you’ll finish this program as a much better angler. You’ll learn the systematic approach typical of highly skilled and competitive anglers. Training includes casting instruction, classroom presentations, ‘hands-on’ demonstrations to build skill proficiency, and on-stream instruction including after-action analysis.
The Fly Fishing Complete Skills Camp is designed to catapult your proficiency. The methods you’ll learn have been developed and used in college programs, Fly Fishing Team USA Youth training, and Guide schools and are now available to anyone seeking the next level in fly fishing. Davy and Mac will take you there in an educational setting. We encourage you to bring a notebook and pen.
Curriculum for
Fly Fishers Complete Skills Camp
7:00 Beyond Reading Waters-Davy Wotton & Mac Brown
8:00 am The Five Core Components- Mac Brown
8:30 am Presentation Wet Fly Tactics and Tips- Davy Wotton
9:30 am Fundamentals of Casting Clinic-Mac Brown & Davy Wotton
1:00 pm Lunch
2:00 pm Presentation; Wet Fly Rigging Class- Davy Wotton
3:00 pm On Stream fishing instruction- Mac Brown and Davy Wotton
6:00 pm Happy hour, after action report and individual angler feedback
7:00 am- Presentation- ‘Nymphing Tips and Tactics’ – Mac Brown
8:00 am- Presentation- ‘Nymph Fishing Class- Davy Wotton
9:30 am- Demonstration-‘Leaders, Knots, and Rigging’ -Mac & Davy
10:30 am- Presentation- ‘Nymphing techniques’ – Mac Brown
Noon- Lunch
1:00 pm- ‘On-Stream Instruction’ – Mac and Davy
6:00 pm- Happy hour (BYOB) & individual angler feedback
7:00 am- Presentation- ‘Improving your Dry Fly Techniques’ –Mac Brown
8:00 am- Demonstration- ‘Dry Dropper Seminar’- Mac & Davy
9:00 am- Individual Break-out session/ individual skill focus
Noon- Lunch
1:00 pm- Advantages of Dry/Dropper Combos for probing waters quickly- Davy Wotton
4:30- Debrief & Questions and Answers
Meet the Instructors
Mac Brown
Mac Brown went down the path of education in fly fishing in 1986. He has a passion for sharing with others and loves teaching. The opportunities of fishing with so many talented angler legends have kept him on this lifelong journey of fine-tuning techniques to share with others.
It has been an absolute joy over the past 38 years to have a platform at conclaves, clubs, and fly fishing shows to be able to share these “gems” with others who are on a growth journey.
Mac started the fly fishing programs at Western Carolina University in the mid-90s. Mac coached competitive fly fishing for Team NC as well as the Team USA Youth Fly Fishing Team. His curiosity related to fly fishing gear led to many improvements with the added benefit of the materials lab during his term at WCU. He developed significant advancements including textured lines and the long rods used today in the late 1980s.
Davy Wotton
Davy began in the 1950s and has worked in the materials and fly-tying end of the sport for many decades. He runs the Davy Wotton International School of Fly Fishing in Mountain Home, AR. Davy has been a consultant to many international fly fishing industry manufacturers since early in his career.
Davy has been recognized globally for his many contributions in articles, DVD instructional videos, and Television programs. He has a very unique skill set for teaching the evolutionary methods of wet fly fishing. He has revolutionized this age-old method to modernize it for the gear and materials that we use today.
Davy has been inducted most recently in the Southern Appalachian Hall of Fame for his lifetime achievements in the sport of fly fishing. He has been honored in so many publications that this speaks volumes about him being proven, authentic, and massive contributions to the sport of fly fishing.
elite angler boot camp
Topics Covered on Wet Fly, Nymph, and Dry Fly
Fly Fishers Complete Skills Camp
The 5 core components
Basic loop control casting
Reading the water like a pro
Multiple methods for getting your flies in the zone
Advanced rigging
Suspension devices and when to use them
Fly patterns and keeping it simple
Gridding off water types
Line Control
Playing Fish
Landing Fish
Plenty of angling time with critique and instruction
The camaraderie with a FUN group sharing this information
Fly design advancements
Fish behavior
Specialized gear selection