.History of Mop Fly Mania Typical Mop Fly Jig Pattern Mop Fly Creator Jim Estes from Bryson City, North Carolina Mop fly mania history began in the late ’90s in Western North Carolina. Jim Estes began using the mop material on fly patterns here when the material first came available at a Dollar Store in…
Category: Fly Tying
Fly Tying
Fly tying patterns for the Great Smoky Mountains region near Bryson City, NC! These patterns are tested hundreds of days a year on local waters and tend to produce the best results!
There are thousands of fly patterns out there today! The key is figuring out a select dozen or so that cover the majority of circumstances for waters globally!
Fly patterns match conditions of available light & water clarity for opportunistic trout. Most trout tend to feed opportunistically throughout the season.
Learn which patterns fish well for covering the majority of circumstances you may encounter. The patterns should work well for all trout waters you encounter.
Fly tying & fly fishing is the best marriage of hobby & sport there is period! Creating your own patterns will bring to you a fulfillment unlike no other catching trout in wild places.

Christmas Season and Fly Tying
Christmas Season and Fly Tying Christmas season and fly tying at home this year in Bryson City, NC. We were glad the weatherman missed it big on Christmas day! We had lots of snow on Xmas morning. Jennifer, Connor, Duncan, and I had a good morning of walking and sledding in the new snow. Great…

Pheasant Tail Droppers
Pheasant Tail Droppers This is a quick post on the use of heavy PT nymphs for big waters. The fly pictured below is representative of the clinger mayflies (like Stenonema). It uses heavy lead wraps (mashed flat) right behind the tungsten bead (3.5 mm). The hook is a # 12 Mustad 3399. Partridge is used…